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DAM Vlasec Damyl Spezi Line

Kód: 66627
Značka: DAM
149 Kč

Zvolte variantu

For every fish species or method, we developed the best suitable monofilament line, having the right color, the right elongation and the right softness/stiffness. Available in different sizes, to meet local fishing conditions. For everybody’s convenience we placed a picture of the targeted fish species/method/bait on the packaging.

Detailní informace

Průměr: 0,28 mm
Skladem (>3 ks) | 66634
149 Kč
Průměr: 0,40 mm
Skladem (>3 ks) | 66622
149 Kč
varianta: 0,35 mm
Skladem (>3 ks) | 66627
149 Kč
varianta: 0,25 mm
Skladem (>3 ks) | 66625
149 Kč
varianta: 0,30 mm
Skladem (>3 ks) | 66626
149 Kč

Detailní popis produktu

For every fish species or method, we developed the best suitable monofilament line, having the right color, the right elongation and the right softness/stiffness. Available in different sizes, to meet local fishing conditions. For everybody’s convenience we placed a picture of the targeted fish species/method/bait on the packaging.

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